Always Maintain a Calm Mind
One of the warrior’s greatest abilities is to deal with pressure and respond effectively, and not burst into uncontrolled anger as soon as things get rough.
Learning to stay calm is one of the most important character traits that you can learn. Whenever those around him are losing their cool, the warrior should stay calm and focused, handling each challenge strategically as it comes.
The more serious the challenge, the calmer the warrior becomes, as his attention becomes more focused on handling the issue at hand. The warrior doesn’t lose his head or lose his temper when the going gets tough. Instead, he becomes more focused and calmer.
The warrior that stays calm under great stress, radiates self-confidence and earns the respect of those around him. No one truly respects the man that losing his cool, loses his temper, or falls apart during challenging times. If you want others to truly respect you, you must maintain your dignity and stay calm, no matter what is happening around you.
Staying calm is like any other traits — the more you practice it, the easier it becomes for you. As you make a point of constantly remaining calm, it starts to become your nature. You won’t have to remind yourself to be calm; calmness will simply be a part of who you are.
Maintaining a calm mind will help you in every area of your life. When everyone else is falling apart or losing their cool, let that be a reminder to you to stay calm and think rationally. Panicking is a sure sign that you have lost your inner peace and are not thinking clearly. Warrior up and live in inner peace and calm self-assurance! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: