Be Quiet and Observe
A fool speaks, a hypocrite judges, a wise man observes. Neil Krishnan
If there is one thing that social media has done, it is to give fools and hypocrites a platform to put their stupidity and judgmental attitudes on display. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have lost respect for someone because of what he or she has written or posted on social media. Social media has given these people the opportunity to shine a spotlight on themselves and show the world who they truly are, and they unwisely jumped at the chance to do so.
Fools speak everything they think, literally whatever crosses their mind. And they give little to no real thought about what they are saying or the accuracy or wisdom of their words. Most of the time, they are speaking purely from emotional reactions instead of rational thought. As Lincoln stated, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and to remove all doubt.” There are a lot of people who should give this wisdom some thought.
The fools and hypocrites on the net do have one thing in common — they love to judge other people and events. It doesn’t matter whether or not they have any real knowledge about that person or the event in question; they simply cannot control the urge to judge others and throw put their two cents out there. Actually, it is an exaggeration to call their judgment their “two cents,” as that is a couple of pennies more than it is worth, but hundreds of dollars less than they think it is worth.
The wise man, on the other hand, speaks sparingly and cautiously, prefers to observe rather than judge, and gains wisdom and knowledge as he watches. He doesn’t speak about things of which he has no knowledge, nor does he judge people or events without knowing all the facts. He understands that he rarely knows all the fact concerning other people or events.
Wise men understand that the truth usually lies hidden deep below the surface and is more complicated than it seems at first sight. And as such, it is unwise to pass judgment with only surface level intelligence, much less to speak with only partial knowledge. They also know better than to allow their emotions to dictate their words. Wise up! Stop putting your ignorance on display! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from