Be Who You Are
Others can see what you truly believe by how you act. Jesus taught, “You will know them by their fruits.” John Locke echoed this thought saying, “The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.” It is easy for someone to profess to believe in a certain philosophy, but it is their actions which serve as proof of either what they truly believe, or how seriously they believe what they espouse.
The true warrior should walk the walk, not merely talk the talk. It is easy to say you believe in the virtues and traits of the warrior lifestyle, but it takes more than a verbal pronouncement of these virtues to actually live the lifestyle; you have to make these virtues and traits an active part of your life. In short, your actions have to coincide with your professed beliefs. There is an old Chinese proverb which states, “To talk good is not to be good; to do good, that is being good.” This is very true.
The warrior’s words will correspond with his actions, and his actions will correspond with his words. Lao Tzu taught, “The Universal Way is not just a matter of speaking wisdom, but one of continual practice.” This could also be said of living the warrior lifestyle. It is not a matter of talking about all the things which make the warrior lifestyle a great way to live, you actually have to live it — practice it. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: