Becoming Undefeatable
You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain. Miyamoto Musashi
Musashi nailed it with this piece of universal wisdom. No matter what you are doing, or what your overall objective may be, you must realize that there is more than one way to achieve your goal. Not everyone has to think the same way or follow the same path in order to be successful. In fact, if everyone did think the same way, and follow the same path, imagine what a boring, listless world this would be.
Too many people believe that there is only one way to achieve their goal, and when that path is blocked, or doesn’t work out for some reason, they stop trying and give up. Winners know that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain; losers follow one path until it gets rocky, and then throw in the towel and quit.
In order to be successful at anything you want to do in life, you must be flexible and unwilling to declare defeat. Winners know that they are only defeated when they declare defeat and give up. And they rarely give up!
Think about it. If you refuse to declare defeat, you are undefeatable. There cannot be a loser in a fight until the fight is over; and the fight is not over until one fighter declares defeat and quits fighting.
This doesn’t mean that you are stubborn and you refuse to change once you have started down a certain path. On the contrary, winners are quick to abandon a path if they feel it no longer serves them, or that it is not the right path for them to travel. Changing your path is not the same thing as giving up; it is simply changing strategies.
No matter what problems or challenges you are facing, always keep in mind that there is more than one path that leads to the top of the mountain. Refuse to allow a blocked path to cause you to quit or to wallow in self-pity. If a specific path is blocked, maybe it is because it was not the path you were meant to follow. Just regroup, change paths, and continue moving towards your objective.
If you refuse to quit, sooner or later you will find the right path for you, the one that will lead you to the top of the mountain. And even if you don’t find that perfect path, keep in mind that, ultimately, it is the journey that important, not the destination. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of MUSASHI’S DOKKODO, available from Amazon at:
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