Beware of Temporary Emotions
Never reply when you are angry.
Never make a decision when you are sad.
Never make a promise when you are happy.
Everyone has to be aware of how their emotions and temporary moods can affect their thoughts, words, and actions. It is very unwise to act on temporary moods. When you are happy, sad, or angry, you tend to think, say, and do things which you may not mean, and would not ordinarily do, in the heat of the moment.
If you allow your emotions to control your words and actions, you will find that you will cause yourself many unnecessary heartaches and problems. Most of us have had to eat crow and apologize for something we did or said when we were in a bad mood or extremely angry; and that is never a pleasant feeling.
In addition to those unpleasant moments, if you allow your emotions to make your decisions for you, you may agree to things or sign your name to a contract or an emotional statement that will haunt you for years to come. This can cost you much more than a momentary embarrassment or trouble in your friendships or relationships.
You must maintain your self-discipline in order to control your emotions. Uncontrolled emotions always have the ability to cause you problems; it is never wise to allow your emotions to dictate your words or actions.
The wise man never let’s his guard down when it comes to his temporary emotions. You have to realize when you are in a highly emotional state so you can be extra carful with your words and actions during those times. Never let your guard down when it comes to your emotions; it can cost you more than you bargained for!
Be the master of your emotions instead of mastered by your emotions. Maintain total control of your thoughts, your words, and your actions, even when you least feel like it. Make it a point to be the captain of your ship, and only allow it to go where you want it to go. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: