Big Benefit of Growing Older
One of the best things about getting older is knowing someone is an asshole before he even opens his mouth.
As you age, you get experience dealing with a lot of different types of people. The old adage that experience is the best teacher is absolutely true. If you have dealt with many people at all, you will find that people can’t be trusted, that the vast majority of people do not truly live by set principles, and that it is rare to find truly good people in this life.
After experiencing the bad side of human beings over and over again, you get to where you can read people, even without getting to know them well. You instinctively know if someone may actually have principles or if they are just another carnival barker. You know if someone has a good heart or if they are a total asshole. This all comes from being screwed over time and time again by different people.
Eventually, you stop trusting people and start reading people. You start listening to your intuition and trusting your instinct. You know someone is an asshole or dishonest before he even opens his mouth, and you save yourself the hassles and heartbreak of getting screwed over again.
Life teaches hard lessons, and if you are not willing to learn those lessons, you will continue to allow yourself to be mistreated time and time again. Sure, it is nice to believe that people are all essentially loving, kind, and good at heart, but it is also naïve and dangerous to your mental and physical well-being. You have a choice — live in a fantasy world or see things as they truly are. Choose wisely! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense available on Amazon at: Signed copies are available from