Decide for Yourself
Only a fool lets somebody else tell him who his enemy is — never let your enemies choose your enemies for you. Assata Shakur
It seems that people in today’s world have become so mentally weak, fragile, and spineless, that they need someone else to tell them what to think, what to fear, and who their enemies are. It is as if someone put something in the water supply and the majority of people no longer have the ability to think for themselves. I see it every day in the news and on social media.
Instead of thinking for themselves and seeing things as they truly are, people are allowing others to tell them what to think, who to hate, and who to love. And what is worse, many people simply follow along like sheep being led to the slaughter. As Shakur stated, only a fool lets somebody else tell him who his enemy is! The problem is the world is filled with fools.
Never let someone else tell you who your enemy is. Take whatever information you are given, and do your own research. Look below the surface or you will never find the truth. Determine who your enemies are for yourself. Refuse to allow yourself to be manipulated and deceived. Your enemies will try to choose your enemies for you if you are naïve enough to trust the wrong people.
Discovering who your enemies are is a simple task. Your enemy is the man who wishes you harm or misfortune. They are not always the person who attacks you or harms you, but those who wishes you harm. Many times, these people are cowards; so they hide in the shadows, manipulating fools to do their dirty work for them. Look past the veil and you will discover the truth and who your true enemies are.
In this world, you have to be wise and perceptive. You are bombarded with lies, misinformation, and propaganda. It takes knowledge and insight to uncover the truth, as it is not freely given to anyone. Know who your enemies are and who you can trust, and don’t get the two confused. Today, more than ever, you need to WARRIOR UP! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:
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