Defeat is a State of Mind
A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits. Epictetus
There is no such thing as defeat as long as you are still in the game. Defeat is only a reality when you quit. If you don’t quit, the game is not over, so how can you be defeated. Defeat is a state of mind. Until you give up, it doesn’t exist.
Think about it. No matter what you are doing, if you don’t give up, you are not defeated. While you may be losing or behind the eight ball, the game is not over; it is still being play. We see comeback stories all the time in sports and in life. There are those who everyone already believes are defeated, but they keep fighting and never give up, and eventually, they win.
Comeback stories make for some the greatest stories of all-time. There were many times during the Revolutionary War where it looked like all was lost for the Continental Army. Yet, the tough and determined patriots refused to give up or declare defeat.
They were a ragtag bunch of mostly volunteers and militia fighting against the greatest superpower in the world at that time, the British Army. Nobody gave them a chance to win. But they refused to give up and continued to fight. No matter how lost the war seemed, they kept fighting.
They changed their tactics, they dealt with betrayals, they were hungry and freezing, and they suffered demoralizing British victories. But no matter what happened, or how hard things got, they refused to give up; they refused to declare defeat.
Whatever you are going through in life, never forget that it is temporary. If there is anything you can count on, it is that everything is constantly changing. You have no idea what tomorrow will bring; so don’t give up! Always remember, if you keep trying, keep fighting, and refuse to give up, you cannot be defeated! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: