Don’t Speak Badly of Yourself
Do not speak badly of yourself. For the warrior within hears your words and is lessened by them. Miyamoto Musashi
You should use your words wisely, not just in conversation with other people, but in order to develop and maintain your inner peace. You should use positive affirmations, as we have already discussed, but you should also be aware of the power and meaning of the words that you use.
Your words don’t just have power when you are purposely reciting your affirmations. They always contain power, even when you are not mentally focused on them. You must be careful about what kind of self-talk you are using throughout the day. Miyamoto Musashi, known as Japan’s greatest swordsman, stated this perfectly saying, “Do not speak badly of yourself. For the warrior within hears your words and is lessened by them.” This was great insight for the 17th century and still holds true today.
You must be aware of the words, thoughts, and beliefs that you are constantly feeding your subconscious mind. It does no good to spend 10 minutes on positive affirmations and then spend the rest of the day carelessly speaking negatively about yourself and putting yourself down. Ten minutes of positive affirmations will not cancel out an entire day of negative, self-defeating speech!
Monitor your thoughts and speech throughout the day. When you catch yourself saying negative things about yourself, stop yourself and replace those thoughts or words with positive, uplifting words which support you and increase your self-confidence and self-worth. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the MULTIPLE AWARD-WINNING BOOK, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: