Everything is Your Responsibility
Everything in your life is your responsibility. You must accept and take responsibility for the life that you have created. Don’t blame your situation or your lack of inner peace on anyone or anything outside yourself. Don’t allow yourself to develop a victim mentality. Take ownership of everything in your life; only then will you make the positive changes you want.
You choose your environment. You are the one who decides who you will associate with, what you allow in your life, and what thoughts you allow to take root in your mind. You have no one to blame for anything in your life except yourself.
At the same time, it is not constructive to live in regret or dwell on thoughts that place blame on yourself. Acknowledge that you are responsible for everything in your life, and then take action to change the things that you want to change.
Always own everything in your life. Many people are in the habit of blaming themselves for everything bad that happens to them and giving credit to others, or to luck, for the good things in their lives. You are responsible for both. Take your power back, and don’t shortchange yourself! Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884279. Signed copies are available from: https://www.the-art-of-inner-peace.com/.