Everything Matters
The action of one thing produces effects on another. Lieh Tzu
Everything you do matters and has some effect on your life or the life of others. Every thought, every word, and every action produces an effect of one kind or another. This is why you should stay mindful, calm, and aware of your thoughts, words, and actions.
Mindfulness simply means that you truly live in the now. You are focused and aware, and you are not going through life on autopilot. You give thought to everything that you do and say. You do not allow yourself to entertain every thought that appears in your mind; rather you monitor your thoughts and only give energy to thoughts which are beneficial for your life and your inner peace.
Every thought you have produces an energy of one kind or another. It is up to you to be aware of your thoughts and control which ones you allow to expand. Put another way, you must only give energy to those thoughts which you would want to produce effects in your life. If you would not want a specific thought to effect your life, do not allow it to remain in your mind; shut it down as soon as it appears.
Your words also contain energy and can produce both positive and negative outcomes in your life or in the life of others. Unlike your thoughts, you can’t speak a word and then remove it or render it powerless. Once you allow yourself to speak, there is no taking it back. What is spoken is already producing certain effects, either positive or negative.
Always think before you speak and make sure that what you are about to say is what you mean and has a specific purpose. Speaking mindlessly is dangerous and can cause you problems that you cannot foresee. Put plainly, don’t run your mouth like a simple-minded idiot; speak with purpose and wisdom.
I will not spend much time on the effects of your actions, as everyone should be aware that your actions produce effects in your life and the life of others. Every action you take produces an effect of one kind or another, and like words, your actions cannot be taken back. Once you do something, it is done; you cannot change the past.
As with your words, you should always think before you do something and have a purpose behind everything you do. This is what it means to live a mindful life. If you will live mindfully, then you will find that your life has less problems and more inner peace. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884279. Signed copies are available from: https://www.the-art-of-inner-peace.com/.