If You are Forced to Defend Yourself — Crush Your Attacker!
Attack with a feeling of constantly crushing the enemy, from first to last. Miyamoto Musashi
If you are forced to defend yourself, you must go all out and crush your attacker. Crush both his will to fight and his ability to hurt you! You must dominate him mentally and physically; cut him no slack whatsoever. Remember, even when you cut the head off of a venomous snake, it can still kill you if you are careless. A critically injured snake can still bite!
Musashi leaves no doubt about what he is teaching in this quote. When it comes to defending yourself against an attacker, you must have the intention of completely crushing him. Moreover, you must maintain this intention until all potential danger from the attacker is completely neutralized.
This can be hard for many people to comprehend. After all, we live in a forgiving, loving, and soft-hearted society where many people are willing to risk their life for a wild animal. It can be extremely hard for someone who is loving and caring to wrap his or her mind around completely crushing an enemy. But, if you don’t completely neutralize an attacker, you may just be giving him a second chance to injure you.
There is a time and place for sympathy, love, and understanding; and there is a time and place for completely crushing your enemy. When an enemy or predator attacks you, you must crush him to the point of destroying his will to ever attack you again. If you merely hurt him and don’t destroy his will, then you leave him with a spirit of anger and revenge towards you. That can be a deadly mistake.
You must remember, not everyone has the same loving, peaceful spirit that you have. There are a lot of people on this earth who do not have the same respect for life as you do; and those people have no qualms about severely, or permanently, injuring you over a few dollars, or just for kicks. Don’t take any chances where your life or family is concerned!
If you are forced to defend yourself, take Musashi’s advice to heart; fight back with the intention of crushing your attacker until he is unable and unwilling to injure you. Anything less is simply playing Russian roulette with your life. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of MUSASHI’S DOKKODO, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884295 and signed copies are available from: https://thewisdomwarrior.com/bookstore.