If You can’t Handle the Flames, don’t Wake the Dragon!
If you can’t handle the flames, don’t wake the dragon! Bohdi Sanders
In today’s society, many people are rude, obnoxious, and pushy. They like to act tough, look tough, and talk tough. They seem to think that freedom means treating other people any way they want, with no thought of being respectful or considerate. These people have a very high opinion of themselves, that is, until they run across the wrong person.
Sooner or later, people like this will run across the wrong person — the sleeping dragon whose claws can rip them apart like wet paper and whose flames will leave nothing behind but a pile of ashes.
These dragons are not easily riled, but once they are awakened, the claws come out and the flames put the fear of God into the thoughtless person who dared to push his luck too far. Only the fool pushes the dragon to this point.
Those who walk their path with respect and thoughtfulness rarely ever wake a dragon, for dragons live with respect and mindfulness. They respect those who honor and value the traits of respectfulness, courtesy, and honor. They hold character and integrity in high esteem.
But those who do not, are sure to run across a dragon sooner or later. And when that day comes, a change of heart, a change of attitude, and quite possibly, a change of pants are soon to follow. The warrior is the dragon. If you can’t handle the flames, don’t wake the dragon! Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the TOP 3 BESTSELLER, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.