Bohdi Sanders
5 min readMar 3, 2023

I am AWAKE, not “woke.” I prefer to live in the real world and see things as they are, instead of living in fantasy land, like so many people in today’s world appear to prefer. I decide how I will live my life, what I will think, what I will say, and what I will do. I will not allow some radical nut jobs to think for me or to demand that I live my life by their twisted ideas.

I am fed up with people being afraid to speak their mind because they are afraid that some pathetic, little minions may try to “cancel” them. Come on, people, grow a backbone! If someone attacks you, tries to “cancel” you, or tries to tell you what you can or cannot say, think, or do, tell them where they can shove it! (And you better give them specific directions, because they aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.)

These pathetic, little simpletons who riot, scream, and cry every time they don’t get their way, are not in control of your life either. Those misguided imbeciles only have the power that they are allowed to have; so STOP giving them any power over you or your community. Demand that our law enforcement officers actually ENFORCE THE LAW! And if the political hacks in charge won’t let the police do their job, remove those hacks from office. The government is there to keep you safe and work for YOU; if they are not going to do their job, maybe all Americans should refuse to continue to finance them.

Americans are being pitted against each other by corrupt politicians and the rich puppet masters behind the scenes, and people are just allowing it to happen because they feel powerless. It is time to stand up for your rights as an American.

Have you forgotten that, in this country, you have the power, not the corrupt politicians in Washington or in your state capital, and certainly not groups of simple-minded rioters or criminals? Have you forgotten that you have the right to speak your mind as you see fit, whether others like it or not? If so, go back and read the 1st Amendment. Have you forgotten how to be free or how important freedom is?

It is time for Americans to come together and start acting like Americans. The politicians believe that they are there to rule over you; it is time to set them straight. They are not our leaders; they are our servants. And if they believe anything differently, then it is time for them to go, along with the schmucks who are using them to control you.

You are not a Democrat or a Republican; YOU ARE AN AMERICAN! America is not a systemically racist country, like a small minority of misguided radicals would have you believe. In fact, America is one of the least racist countries on this planet. If you don’t believe me, go research it. America has helped more countries and more people of every race, creed, and color than any country in the world. Stop buying into the nonsense being fed to you by those who want nothing more than to manipulate and divide you with their race-baiting, hate-filled garbage.

NOW is the time to stand up and refuse to play their game. NOW is the time to take your country back. NOW is the time to get your mind straight. NOW is the time for Americans to come together as ONE. You are not an African American, Hispanic American, Irish American, German American, Cuban American, etcetera; YOU ARE AN AMERICAN, PERIOD! When you add a prefix to the fact that you are an American, you only set yourself apart and weaken our country as a whole. And if that is not the way you see it, then you are a big part of the problem.

The people in power want to keep you feeling separate, upset, and divided. They want you to see yourself as something other than an American citizen. They want you to believe that America is a systemic racist country. They want you to think your country is fundamentally evil. They want you to hate your country’s history and your neighbor. They want you to hate your America, period. Why? Because it benefits them and their objectives. It damn sure does not benefit you. In fact, it undermines everything that you want in life.

If the real American people, and I am referring to those who love their freedom and their country, don’t start coming together, you may wake up one day soon and find that you no longer live in a free country. Those in power have already changed our country in ways we could not have imagined just a couple of decades ago.

Think about it. We already don’t recognize many parts of our country today. Many of our cities are crime ridden and totally out of control. Rioters are allowed to completely destroy parts of our cities, while the police stand by and watch. We can’t trust our government or those we elected, to take care of our country or our safety.

Our politicians and corrupt media care more about keeping you divided, the color of people’s skin, and people’s sexual orientation than the truth or quality of someone’s character. If you don’t believe that they have a hidden agenda, then I have the perfect ocean front property for you in Colorado!

Simply put, our democracy is hanging on by a thread. The sand has almost to run out of America’s hourglass, and it is because the American people have allowed a very small misguided minority to all but destroy our great country.

It is time to say, “NO MORE!” If you care about America, if you care about your family’s future, if you care about your freedom, it is time for you to stand together with real Americans and demand an immediate change. Stop classifying yourself according to the color of your skin, your sexual orientation, or your political views, and start seeing yourself as an AMERICAN.

NOW is the time to come together. The sands of America’s hour glass have almost run out, and only by standing together as AMERICANS can we do something about it. Together we stand strong; divided we fall hard. America better wake up before it’s too late! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from:

Bohdi Sanders
Bohdi Sanders

Written by Bohdi Sanders

Dr. Bohdi Sanders is a multi-award winning and bestselling author of 16 books, a 5th degree black belt, modern philosopher, and life coach.

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