Keep it Private until it is Permanent

Bohdi Sanders
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


Keep it private until it is permanent. What they can’t see, they can’t ruin.

There are many people in this world who will throw roadblocks up and sidetrack your objectives if you allow them to do so. Some of them are well-meaning; they think they are looking out for you. Others are motivated by jealousy, envy, or hatred and simply want to see you fail or to bring you down to their level.

The ones motivated by negative emotions will go out of their way to cause you problems, even to the point of causing themselves issues as well. They are driven by negativity and a burning dislike or hatred of you. Many of these people will spend hours, days, or even months in their malicious attempts to cause you problems.

Family and friends can also cause you issues, even though their intentions are not malicious. Their doubts and fears about your abilities will cause them to try to talk you out of “wasting” your time on “ridiculous” goals. While their heart may be in the right place, their doubts and fears can cause you to doubt yourself and to give up on your goals if you are not totally committed to your objectives.

There are many challenges and roadblocks to reaching you goals; you don’t need any additional ones. One way to avoid having to deal with good intentioned family and friends, and your haters, is to keep your business and your asperations private.

Friends and family cannot put doubts and fears in your mind if they do not know what you are working towards. If you need support and information about your project, their is plenty out there from professional sources on the internet.

Many times people bring up their goals in order to hear others’ opinions because they are not totally sure if it is a good idea. This only allows people with good intentions to put doubts and fears in your mind. Remember, a house divided cannot stand. While it may seem like an innocent conversation, those doubts and fears and totally destroy your motivation, if you allow them to do so.

Furthermore, when it comes to your enemies or haters, it is always best to keep them in the dark concerning your plans and what you are doing. It can even be advantageous to feed them false information at times; if you give them enough rope, they will hang themselves. Feed them false information and let them destroy their own credibility, while you work towards your real objectives. Always keep those people in the dark!

Don’t brag about your plans. Keep things private until you are on solid ground. Don’t allow others to place doubt and fear into your mind; and don’t give your haters any ammunition to use against you. Be cautious and wise, and keep your private business private until it is time to show the world your accomplishments. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense available on Amazon at: Signed copies are available from



Bohdi Sanders

Dr. Bohdi Sanders is a multi-award winning and bestselling author of 16 books, a 5th degree black belt, modern philosopher, and life coach.