Kuchi Bushi — Mouth Warriors
You should be calm outside but keep your mind alert and prepared. Yagyu Munenori
The best warriors are both calm and alert at the same time. Usually, when you see some guy in a bar bragging about how tough he is, you can be pretty sure that he is all mouth. Real warriors don’t go around bragging about how many guys they have beaten up or taken out; that is for wannabes.
These people use their mouth as a weapon of intimidation. They try to put doubt into people’s minds and make them think that they are actually a badass. Master Funakoshi called these people “kuchi bushi” which means mouth warriors.
“Be careful not to be like those who do not train sufficiently, yet become “masters” because their talk resembles that of the experts. From olden times, these men have been called kuchi bushi (mouth warriors. Even today, these mouth warriors are as common as grains of sand on a beach.” Gichin Funakoshi
True warriors sit by silently, trying not to laugh, as these mouth warriors make up their great feats. A true warrior has a deadly sense of calmness about him; he knows what he can do and is not interested in impressing others when it comes to his martial skills.
They are always alert, but calm at the same time. Their calm demeanor, along with the look in their eyes, is more than enough to put trouble makers and mouth warriors to shame. Learning to remain calm in every situation is a trait that warriors possess, but mouth warriors never will. Always remain calm, be alert, and be ready for whatever comes your way. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.