Learn How to Use Your Enemies to Your Advantage
You can try to dirty my name, but I’ll wear your hate like war paint. Madlyn Beck
Haters, trolls, and enemies may try to ruin your reputation or dirty your name, but you do not have to let their malicious efforts get to you. Take their hate and wear it like war paint! Nothing demoralizes these haters more than seeing you take all of their efforts to destroy you and using them to your advantage.
When they throw rocks at you, control the urge to throw them back; instead, keep them and use them as stepping stones. Take their underhanded lies and use them to your advantage. Let your character, honor and integrity expose them for the malicious liars and fools that they truly are.
Remember the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby. Every time that Brer Rabbit hit or kicked the Tar Baby, he ended up in worse shape, stuck in the tar until he was finally so trapped by his own malicious attacks on the Tar Baby that he ended up helpless caught by Brer Fox’s trap.
Allow your haters and enemies to entrap themselves by their own lies and spiteful attacks. Then they are at your mercy; you are able to crush them by doing little more than exposing them for exactly what they are. Wear their hate like war paint, step back and give them enough rope, and sooner or later, they will hang themselves with it. That is just the nature of those whose hatred has taken over their simple minds.
Don’t let their petty efforts sidetrack you; keep yourself focused on your ultimate goal, while they continue to dig their hole so deep that they can no longer get out. You must learn to use your enemy’s attacks to your advantage. Nothing infuriates them more than knowing that you have used their hard work and malicious attacks to advance your own success, and that you continue to live in tranquility and inner peace, while they suffer from their own malice. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884279. Signed copies are available from: https://www.the-art-of-inner-peace.com/.