Maintaining Your Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
4 min readMar 29, 2023


Fools take a knife and stab people in the back. The wise take a knife, cut the cord and free themselves from the fools.

Fools abound in this world; they always have and always will. These people do not have the intelligence, character, honor, or integrity to be loyal, true friends. They do not have the backbone or integrity to stand up for their “friends” when others come against them or start talking garbage about them behind their back.

A fool is quick to turn on those around them, quick to believe lies and propaganda, and never take the time to look beneath the surface to see and understand the real truth. The fool thrives on drama, gossip, and strife, and is about as loyal as a rabid rattlesnake.

This kind of idiot is quick to stab his “friends” in the back, as he lacks the wisdom to comprehend real friendship and has no understanding of the meaning of loyalty. The Dhammapada (Buddha’s teachings) teaches us, “Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let him resolutely pursue a solitary course; there is no fellowship with the fool.”

The Bible also teaches us much about the ways of fools:

• A fool is easily upset.

• A fool starts fights.

• A fool believes everything he reads.

• Fools are destroyed by their own words.

• The man who commits adultery is a fool.

• The wise inherit honor; but fools get only shame.

There is much more, but you get the picture. The world is full of fools who are easily upset, love to start fights, believe anything and everything they see or read, repeat lies, commit all kinds of idiocy, and ultimately, end up with nothing but shame in their pathetic little lives.

The wise, on the other hand, will take the same knife that the fool uses to stab people in the back, and uses it to cut the cord, freeing himself from the fools once and for all. Wise people refuse to associate with fools; they had much rather be alone than be in the company of those with low morals, no honor, and poor character.

The wise distance themselves from fools as much as possible. Of course, in our world it is impossible to completely stay away from fools, as fools make up the majority of the population. But you should make an effort to have as little to do with fools as possible. As Buddha taught, “There is no fellowship with the fool.”

Although this is best, we know that in our world, we will have to deal with many fools during our lifetime. Never trust them! Always keep an eye on them and be careful, as fools are snakes, quick to stab you in the back, easily upset, and always looking for a reason to justify their evil ways. Never let your guard down around people of such low character and small intellects!

The snake handler cannot afford to get careless; he knows that one mistake could cost him his life. The same goes for dealing with fools. They are like snakes, always waiting for that one chance to bite the innocent victim. Never let your guard down around them, not for a second!

Be wise and be above such lowly people. Have a little to do with them as possible. You must understand the ways of the fool in order to understand how to keep yourself safe from the fool; just as you must understand the predator in order to keep yourself safe from being prey.

There are many fools in the martial arts world. In fact, there is an overabundance of fools in the martial arts world. Keep your distance from them! They are easily upset, love to gossip and start fights, have overinflated egos and think too highly of themselves, and are stupid and believe everything they read. And in the end, they will inherit only shame, shame which they have brought on themselves by their own malicious and foolish actions and words.

Seek out only the best, most upstanding men and women as your friends, never the fools and the gossips. And don’t allow the actions of such fools to cause you to lower your own standards or code of honor. Be above such dregs of society and have nothing to do with them! That will make maintaining your inner peace easier. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from:



Bohdi Sanders
Bohdi Sanders

Written by Bohdi Sanders

Dr. Bohdi Sanders is a multi-award winning and bestselling author of 16 books, a 5th degree black belt, modern philosopher, and life coach.

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