Make Up Your Own Mind
Never let what you hear about someone change how you view them. Always remember, you might be talking to a hater.
Don’t allow gossip, innuendos, or hate speech influence your thinking. In fact, I advise people not to listen to gossip or hate speech at all. People rarely gossip about anything of value or anything positive. Furthermore, when you actually do follow up on some gossip you have heard, you will find that it is usually greatly embellished or simply full of unsubstantiated lies.
If you must judge people, judge them on what you actually know about them from personal experience and how they treat you. Never allow someone else to tell you who you should and should not respect or be enemies with. Always remember that those who engage in such banter usually have an alternative agenda.
Normal people with good intentions do not go around spreading malicious, negative gossip or trying to tear other people down. When you hear such talk, the first thing that should come to your mind is, “Why is this person saying such things? What is his objective?”
From my experience, it is the ones who are gossiping and spreading negative rumors that you should distrust, not the people that they are talking about. Always beware of people who gossip and spread lies. If they will lie and spread malicious gossip about someone else, they will just as easily do the same to you. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the new book, The Art of Inner Peace, now available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from my new website,