Never put too much Trust in Anyone
Sometimes you can be so busy trying to be everyone else’s anchor that you don’t realize you are actually drowning.
Some of us tend to be the people that everyone we know depends on for strength, motivation, and to help them through life’s challenges. Because we are strong and appear to be able to handle every problem that comes our way, we tend to be everyone else’s anchor in the storms of life. We handle our friends’ and family’s diseases, mental issues, legal issues, drug and alcohol issues, and the list goes on and on.
We tend to be so busy trying to be everyone else’s rock that we have little time to take care of ourselves. While we are working so hard to save everyone else from their problems and issues, we don’t realize that we have exhausted ourselves. We spend so much energy helping and saving others that we don’t realize that we are the one who is actually drowning.
To make matters worse, it is when you are at your lowest that the harsh reality sets in and you discover that although you have helped many others, the chances are that they won’t be there to help you. That is when you realize that you are unique, that most people are only concerned with their own issues and don’t really care about you, unless of course, you are helping them in some way.
While it is good to help as many people as you can, make sure that you also take care of yourself. Don’t expect those you have helped to be there for you; not everyone has your character, honor, or integrity. Trust has been the downfall of everyone who has ever been betrayed by their friends or family.
Whenever you expect honor or integrity from those who are lacking in those qualities, you are simply setting yourself up for a fall. When someone is drowning in life’s challenges, it is honorable to help them, but you must first make sure that you are safe before you can save anyone else.
It is unwise to put too much trust or faith in anyone in this world. This is a hard concept to accept for those of us who live by honor and integrity. We tend to think that others think as we do, but that is rarely the case. And when you put too much trust in someone who you shouldn’t have trusted, you only realize your mistake after it is too late and at the worst possible time.
Always consider every angle of the situation before taking action. Don’t trust that you will be alright; leave nothing to chance! When you are dealing with a serious situation, trusting others to be there for you is simply gambling with your life. Don’t trust your safety or your life to others. The only way to ensure victory is to guarantee it for yourself. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: