Raise Your Sons with the Heart of a Warrior Prince
Teach your sons to live with honor, courage, and integrity; raise them with the heart of a warrior prince and they will grow to be men of honor.
It appears that many parents today don’t really take the responsibility of raising their children seriously. They seem to think that keeping them fed, entertained, and a roof over their heads is all there is to parenting. But they are dead wrong.
Today, I am only going to focus on boys. If you have a son, it is your primary responsibility to raise him to be a man of honor, courage, and integrity, not to be his buddy or his friend. You are his mentor, his protector, and his guide as he grows to be a man.
The kings throughout the ages raised their sons to be able to take over the throne when their time came. They took their responsibility as a father seriously, giving their sons the best education and training possible. They wanted to raise their sons to be a warrior prince full of wisdom and character.
Today, most people don’t seem to give the training of their sons much thought. They simply give them cell phones, things to entertain them, and send the off to school for their education. I was a public school teacher and I can tell you that if you are expecting the public schools to educate and train your son, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
You should give your sons the best education that you can, and that is not the public school system. It is you who must take the responsibility to educate your sons if you want them to grow to be men of honor; don’t expect anyone else to step up and do that for you.
If you train your son to be a warrior prince, he will grow to be a man of honor, with good judgment, character, integrity, and courage. Teach him to defend himself, the weak, and the elderly; teach him to help those in need and to always remain calm and in control of his emotions.
Educate him like his life depends on it, because the quality of his life will depend on the training and education that you give him. Raise him like a prince and develop his self-confidence and discernment. Teach him wisdom, self-defense, and leadership.
Teach him to be a king, and he will become the kind of man that every man respects and every woman desires. If you don’t take the responsibility to teach him, our twisted society will. Don’t leave your son’s training to those who have no clue what a real man is and how he should conduct himself. Take you responsibility seriously; you only get one chance! You will be glad you did. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017JA1ZUM. Signed copies are available from https://thewisdomwarrior.com.