Refuse to Compromise Your Standards
I will no longer compromise who I am for those who have issues or problems with how I live and expect me to live MY LIFE according to THEIR standards or expectations. Bohdi Sanders
The old adage, “You can’t please everyone,” certainly holds true. Trying to please everyone is simply an act in futility. As you get older, you will find that people will put pressure on you to compromise who you are or your personal standards, in an attempt to get you to live by their standard or their expectations. Don’t let them throw you off course!
These people seem to think that everyone else should live according to their standards. They think that they know best how you, and everyone else, should live. I don’t know about you, but I will no longer compromise who I am for those who have issues or problems with how I live, and expect me to live MY LIFE according to THEIR standards or expectations.
God has given us all a free will. God, in His infinite wisdom, has also given each of us certain desires, talents, and internal motivations. He didn’t make us all clones of each other; we are all different. But some people believe that if you are not living your life in a way that they approve of, you are somehow living incorrectly. What an arrogant, elitist attitude!
Live your life by your own standards. You have no obligation to compromise what you feel in your heart, mind and spirit, in order to live according to someone else’s standards or expectations for you. Have the courage to live your life, your way. In the end, that is the only true success in life.
There will always be people who will disapprove of how you spend your short time here on earth; that is their problems, not yours. As Fritz Perls so eloquently stated, “I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations. And you are not in this world to live up to mine.” This is so true!
When you come to the end of your days, it will not matter what everyone else thinks about how you lived your life; in the end, it only matters what you and God think about how you lived your life. Make sure you are not disappointed in your decisions. Don’t bow to pressure in a vain attempt to make everyone else happy; be true to yourself.
Live your life with personal integrity. This means that you are true to yourself, your code, your standards, your desires, and your mission in life. What other people think about your life or how you live, is none of your business. Everyone is free to think whatever they please. Our thoughts are truly the greatest of personal freedoms. You certainly have no right, and no possibility, of controlling someone else’s thoughts, even if you wanted to. Stop worrying about what you can’t control, and focus on what you can control in your life — your own life.
Let others think what they may; just continue to live your life, your way, day by day. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time or interest in what your critics or haters think about you. Remember, in the end, their thoughts about how you live your life doesn’t matter. You will only have to answer to yourself and to God; Don’t waste your energy worrying about everyone else’s opinions. It’s your life; life it your way! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the multiple award-winning book, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: