Refuse to Declare Defeat
If you refuse to declare defeat, you are undefeatable. Bohdi Sanders
Ultimately, there is only one way for you to be defeated — if you declare defeat and quit. If you refuse to declare defeat, you are undefeatable. There cannot be a loser in a fight until the fight is over; and the fight is not over until one fighter declares defeat and quits fighting. Until that time, the fight is still ongoing.
Too many people quit when the going gets tough. Essentially, they declare defeat as soon as the first punch is thrown. Instead of fighting for what they want, they prefer the comfort of not being in the game at all. They had rather watch from a distance, and stay in their little safe space, than to put in the necessary effort to be in the game.
Have no doubts about it, life is a game and only a small percentage of the population plays to win. Most people prefer their comfort zone instead of stepping up and joining the fight. And yes, getting what you want in life is a fight. You will have to abandon your comfort zone. You have to put in the effort to prepare for it, and you will encounter many enemies and roadblocks along the way.
But that matters not; as long as you refuse to declare defeat, you are still in the game. The game continues for as long as you are willing to stay in and fight for what you want. It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, as long as you continue to get back up and continue to fight.
Sooner or later, you will outlast your competition and your enemies. They will grow weary of the fight and walk away, or they will make a fatal mistake and you will land a knockout punch. Either way, you end up winning.
Refuse to allow anyone or anything to stand between you and what you want in this life! And, I guarantee you that you will have challenges that you will have to overcome, and encounter enemies along the way that you will have to fight. Never surrender; never give up!
Just be persistent and you will find that, in the end, you will be the winner. You can be assured of this fact because you are the only one who determines whether or not you are the winner. Nobody else’s opinion matters. Just refuse to declare defeat! Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of MUSASHI’S DOKKODO, available from Amazon at:
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