Stand for What You Believe
You have to be strong enough to stand up for what you believe, even if you are standing alone. Bohdi Sanders
Public opinion and outside pressures should not play a part in swaying the core beliefs which make up your true character, but they will if you don’t know exactly what you believe and why you believe it. You have to know why certain character traits are important to you. If your foundation is not solid, sooner or later you will find problems which are a direct result of your shaky foundation.
Your character is the foundation of all the other parts of the warrior lifestyle. Without a solid foundation, it is easy for you to veer off track in one way or another. For this reason, it is vital that your character adheres to the highest standards.
Don’t compromise where your character is concerned. This is just one of the traits that sets the warrior apart as a superior man. Work to build a solid character and maintain a reputation which is true to your nature as a superior man. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, MODERN BUSHIDO: Living a Life of Excellence, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: