Take Your Martial Art Training Serious!
Every time you train, train with the motivation and purpose that you will be the hardest person someone ever tries to kill. Tim Kennedy
Although the warrior may enjoy sparring with his friends or participating in martial arts tournaments, that is not his ultimate goal when it comes to his martial arts training. His ultimate goal, outside of developing his character, is self-defense. Warriors train to develop the skills that will save their life or the lives of their loved-ones.
Warriors want to build up their defenses to the point of being unassailable. When you train, you should train with this purpose in mind. Your training is not a hobby, it is not for exercise, and it is not for fun; it is to develop the skills that you may need to keep yourself, or those you love, alive.
Keep this in mind when you train and you will never have to worry about having a lackluster training session. It is only when we forget our ultimate goal that we find that we start to slack off. Picture the meanest, baddest guy you can imagine and keep this image in your mind when you train.
If you need motivation to train or to increase the intensity of your training, do a little research on some of the thugs in our prisons. Check out some of the toughest thugs that you can find; there are many photos on the internet. Then picture these guys attacking you on the street, not just one of them, but several. If that doesn’t motivate you to take your training seriously, nothing will. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.