The Man of Principle

The man of principle does not forget who he is because of what others are. Baltasar Gracian
Inner peace requires action, not simply agreeing with the principles, reading about the principles, or desiring to live a calm, peaceful life. It takes work; it is not easy or automatic. It is easy to read the principles and agree with the information, but it takes a lot more effort to actually live them. And that is where self-discipline comes into play.
Even after you have done the work on your subconscious mind and your life is going the way that you want, there will always be temptations to lower your standards, to allow anger to cloud your mind, or to entertain low-energy thoughts, all of which will disrupt your inner peace.
The vast majority of the time, it will be other people who will offer you the opportunity to trade your inner peace for temporary turmoil. Others may be rude or confrontational, but that doesn’t mean you have to take the bait. Always keep Baltasar Gracian’s teaching fresh in your mind, “The man of principle does not forget who he is because of what others are.”
Developing self-discipline allows you to respond instead of reacting to the world around you. Reacting is natural, and it is the path that most people take. Your objective is not to be like most people but to maintain your inner peace in spite of what everyone else does. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the MULTIPLE AWARD-WINNING BOOK, The Art of Inner Peace, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from: