The Throne is not Given; it is Earned
The throne is not given, it is earned. Act like a king to be treated like one.
Many men desire to be treated like a king, but conduct themselves like the court jester or an unworthy rube. The throne is not given, it is earned. You must act like a king to be treated like one. Don’t expect to be treated like a king if you conduct yourself like a clown or a bum.
The overwhelming majority of people in this world do not have a clue who you are. It is up to you to show them who you are by the way you speak, act, dress, and carry yourself. If you want to be treated with respect, then you must earn that respect.
Much of our society has been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Instead of teaching those who have had less of an upbringing and showing them how to improve their lives, society has dumbed down its standards to their level. This is complete idiocy!
That is absolutely the opposite of what we should be doing. If you want to help someone who has been living in squalor, you don’t do it by joining him in his pig sty. You do it by freeing him from his chains and showing him the value of holding himself to a higher standard. Show him a better way; don’t lower your standards to make him more comfortable.
Our society seems to think that, instead of raising the standards of those who do not know better, they should make them feel more included by bringing others down to their level. Not only does this not help those who need help, it is destructive to society as a whole.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how this backwards philosophy has lowered the morals, speech, and intelligence of many of our citizens. You never make a society better by dumbing down its educational standards or lowering society’s morals and ethics.
Stop lowering your standards to please those who refuse to raise their theirs. Lift people up instead of dumbing them down. What king would lower himself to the lowest common denominator instead of helping lift others up?
Refuse to buy into this backward philosophy which arose from the political pandering of politicians and socialist educators. Refuse to lower your standards simply because our society has lowered theirs. Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else expects of you; that is the way of a man worthy of respect.
Let me make something very clear — nobody owes you anything! If you want to be seen as a king, you must earn it. If you want your partner to treat you like a king, you must conduct yourself like a king. Respect not earned is not true respect!
Men worthy of respect should carry themselves like a king, and not just a political hack of a king, but a warrior king who has earned his respect. Hold yourself to a higher standard in every area of your life. Speak like a king. Walk like a king. Hold your head high like a king.
Refuse to speak like those who learned to speak in the gutter. Refuse to walk like some street punk. Think, walk, and talk like a man of honor! A true king is a man of wisdom, honor, and integrity.
Nobody owes you respect. If you want to be treated like a king, then you must earn the throne by your thoughts, words, and actions. You teach others how to treat you. The throne is not given; it is earned. Warrior up and earn your respect! Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from