Think for Yourself and Allow Other to do the Same
I live my life by my own rules. What you think of me doesn’t matter.
I am sure that everyone one of you have heard the expression, “What someone else thinks about you is none of your business.” This can be a hard concept for some people to grasp, but it is absolutely true. If there is anything on this planet that people have a right to, it is their own thoughts.
What someone THINKS about you, or anything else, is absolutely none of your business. Everyone has the right to think whatever they want. Their thoughts are their business, and no one else’s. When you really think about, that makes perfect since.
The problem comes when other people think that their thoughts should actually matter to you, and that you should conform to what they think. I get emails all the time telling me that they “think” I should not do so and so, or that they “think” I should do this or that. I am sure you guys get that same kind of thing, or hear something like that from those around you.
While I guess it is nice that people are actually thinking about you, but they seem to forget that their thoughts are there to help THEM live THEIR lives, not to help them live your life. Some people think that everyone around them should conform to their thoughts and what they believe.
You can see this in certain religions, in certain countries, and even in certain families. People with closed minds are often the ones who believe that others should conform to their thoughts about how to life life. They even get offended when some people decide to think for themselves and go another way. They don’t want to allow you the same freedom that they enjoy — the freedom to think for yourself.
Don’t allow anyone to do your thinking for you. Think for yourself and live YOUR LIFE by YOUR RULES, not someone else’s rules. If the fact that you think for yourself offends someone else or makes them think less of you, that is their problem, not your problem. They are the one who are having issues controlling their thoughts and their mind, not you.
Why should their personal issues about how you life your life upset you? Do you not have the right to think for yourself and make decisions about your own life? Did God personally put them on this earth to rule over everyone around them? Of course not!
Think for yourself and live your life as you see fit. By all means, listen to others’ opinions if they decide to share them, but don’t blindly follow everything they say to you. You were given your own mind for a reason; USE IT! Decide how you will live your life and then stick to your guns. Be who you want to be, no matter what others think about it. That is the first step to happiness. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: Also, check out my #1 Bestsellers, MODERN BUSHIDO and MEN of the CODE!