Time to Man Up!
Young men should stop being politically correct, and go watch some John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, and Clint Eastwood movies, and learn to MAN THE HELL UP!
There is an agenda in our country to feminize men, starting in school. Boys are now being taught from an early age that being a strong man is toxic. They are taught that there is never any excuse for violence, even if you are defending yourself or others. And now they are taught that there are words which they are not allowed to say and thoughts which they cannot entertain because they might offend some weak-minded pansy.
It is time to stop allowing your sons to be taught this garbage by weak-minded, spineless wussies. It is time for REAL men to stand up and start mentoring young men to become MEN instead of overgrown, spineless boys, who are long on mouth and short on character and honor.
I have news for you guys — you have the right to speak your mind as you see fit. No government, no spineless school administrators, and no media morons have the right or the ability to tell you what you can and cannot think or say. Man the hell up and take back your warrior spirit! Stop allowing these universally offended jellyfish tell you how to live your life!
It is high time we stop raising overgrown boys and misguided girls and start raising MEN and WOMEN who have the character, honor, integrity, and the courage to stand against the idiocy which is the real pandemic in our country. Young people should be outraged and the indoctrination they have been forced to endure. Stand up people, and take back your freedom! WARRIOR UP! Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017JA1ZUM. Signed copies are available from https://thewisdomwarrior.com.