When the Law is Corrupt, the Upright become Outlaws!
When the justice system and the law are corrupt,
it is not only right, but honorable, to be an OUTLAW!
When the justice system and the law are corrupt, it is not only right, but honorable, to be an outlaw. This may sound strange, or even radical to some, but it is absolutely true. This was why America’s founding father took up arms against the British Empire. Were our founding fathers and all the men who risked their lives for freedom wrong? They were considered traitors and outlaws to the tyrannical British government, who would have executed them all if they had failed to be victorious.
Who decides if someone is an outlaw, a rebel, or a hero worthy of great respect and honor? True Americans consider George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and all the other patriots to be not only heroes, but the founding fathers of our country. While Britain considered them traitors, rebels, and outlaws, and harbored a burning hatred towards them. Tyrannical dictators always consider those who dare to rise up and speak against their evil ways to be traitors, rebels, and outlaws. In order to get to the truth, you must first consider the source, then look at the facts, which many times have been artfully hidden by those who want to control the population to accomplish their underlying, and often secret, objectives.
Miyamoto Musashi stated, “The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant.” Boy, does that quote hit home, especially in today’s world. Think about all the lies which are served to us every day by corrupt politicians and propagandists posing as journalists and news medias. These people have a specific agenda, and to achieve their objective, they have to feed millions of people false information, twisted to accomplish their less than honorable desires.
These people couldn’t care less about the truth, as the truth goes against their narrative and their overall agenda. So they feed the ignorant and the gullible, so-called “news” with half-truths and many times, overt, blatant lies, in hopes of misleading as many people as they can. They do this in order to maneuver as many people as possible into believing what they want them to believe, like puppets on a string. Whether what they are saying is true doesn’t matter to them. These people believe the ends justify the means. They believe they are more intelligent, wiser, and know better than the average person who they see as ignorant buffoons or uneducated simpletons who need to be told what to think and how to behave.
This is nothing but a cutthroat strategy which is used by every dictator and communist country around the world. These tactics are closer to Hitler’s Nazi tactics, than they are to honorable American beliefs. We can clearly see these tactics at work in our country today. Just watch some of the mainstream media’s news shows, and you will see the so-called “journalists” blatantly lying and twisting the truth to fit their own narrative in order to achieve the objectives of a small subset of our country. They don’t care what the average American believes or what the American population wants. They are not interested in giving the population real, honest, straightforward news; they carefully spin everything to fit their hidden agenda. And, as Musashi put it 400 years ago, the path that leads to truth is in fact littered with the bodies of the ignorant who believe every word that the mainstream media puts out.
But, try as they may, they can only bury the truth under false information; they cannot change the truth, nor can they completely hide the truth. All they can do is spew lies and half-truths to the ignorant people who actually listen to them and who believe they are getting real news. These so-called “journalists and newscasters muddy the truth so much that most people can no longer tell what is true and what is a lie. And the average American is too busy working to support his or her family to take the time to dig for the truth themselves.
The mainstream news media has been using these despicable, underhanded tactics for years now. So much so, that they have essentially brainwashed a large portion of our population. There was a Russian study done back in the 1970s in which they took a group of people and purposely fed them lies to scare them. They found that, after 30–40 days of listening to these scare tactics, that even when the people running the experiment told the test subjects that they had been lied to and there was nothing to fear, the test subjects did not believe them. This study concluded that after listening to specific, fear-inducing lies over and over again for 30–40 days, it was almost impossible to convince someone that he had been lied to, even when you confront them with concrete evidence which contradicts the lies they had been told.
Our crooked politicians and untrustworthy news media know this and have used these tactics for decades to control the minds of millions of American citizens. I have talked to many people about specific false beliefs which they hold, and I have presented concrete, indisputable evidence to them which proves that their belief is skewed, and they still refuse to see the truth.
Consider this. If someone watched some untrustworthy, propagandist “news” channel every single day for an hour or more a day, that is 336 hours per year of blatant lies and propaganda they have watched. And many spend much more time that this watch this garbage. A lot of these people watch this stuff three plus hours a day. That is over 1,000 hours of propaganda each year! No wonder you can show one of these people the truth, backed up by specific, primary sources, facts, videos, etc., and they still refuse to accept the fact that they have been lied to and purposely mislead. That is scary!
Moreover, what is even more scary is that the so-called “news media” and “honorable” politicians are barely even trying to conceal their agendas now. They are blatantly disregarding the law and the Constitution of the United States, and are just doing as they please, and getting away with it. Take what has been happening for the last three years, for example.
Joe Biden has purposely allowed over 12 million illegal aliens to walk into our country. His corrupt administration has refused to acknowledge the problem and doesn’t even pretend to care about it. And they simply lie about it on the mainstream media stations to con people in some pathetic attempt to get re-elected. At the same, this corrupt administration has weaponized our government agencies, such as the FBI and the CIA, as well as weaponized our courts and justice system.
We are seeing the FBI being used to harass citizens over the personal beliefs, as well as going after political candidates in order to choose who they want to run our country. And now, our joke of a justice system is being used by Joe Biden’s corrupt administration to try to stop his opponent from being in the presidential race, even though the polls show that Donald Trump is supported by way more than half the country.
THAT is NOT a free and open society, folks! That is more akin to some third world banana republic than it is to what our Constitutional republic. We have a justice system that is blatantly allowing criminals to rob people, rob businesses, assault people, use drugs on the streets, to destroy private property, and even to threaten Jewish people, all with little to no consequences. This sounds more like Nazi Germany than the United States of America. Our justice system will sooner put some white guy in jail for yelling at his wife during a family argument than it would some masked thug who bursts into a store, steals $900 worth of merchandise, and assaults the store owner. This is a government that is totally out of control and seriously needs to be replaced.
You better wake up, guys! If this corrupt government can blatantly lie about the President of the United States and charge him with bogus, trumped-up charges, backed up by a proven liar who has been called by the courts a serial perjurer, and a washed up, sleazy porn star who admitted lying about the situation, and personally said, and put into writing, that she never had sexy with Donald Trump, just think what they can do to YOU!
We now have a two-tier legal system. There is one standard for Democrats and those who support their agenda, and a completely separate standard for anyone who disagrees with their agenda. This is not my opinion; it a FACT! We see Democrat politicians who refuse to accept the outcome of elections. We see Democrat politicians not only encouraging people to violence, but donating money to violent offenders when a small number of them actually do get arrested.
We see Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton pay for a false dossier claiming President Trump was involved in some Russia scandal, and not only being proved a liar, but it was proven that she actually paid for it and lied to the FBI about it. And the FBI knew if was fake, but continued to use it to harass the President of the United States. And nothing whatsoever happened to her or to those who participated in the FBI. Her connections in the justice system let her off without so much as saying, “bad girl.”
We have seen the FBI spy on a presidential candidate who they did not want to win the election. We have seen the heads of the CIA work behind the scenes to discredit an American president and try to get the other candidate elected. We have seen the corrupt justice department target working parents, who just want their children to get a good education instead of a liberal indoctrination, harassed and arrested, and spied on by the FBI.
We have a political party, supported by a corrupt justice system, the mainstream media, the CIA, and the FBI, which is totally out of control and running roughshod over everyday Americans, as well of any opposing politicians, even the President of the United States. While most people don’t give these issues a second thought, we are on the very brink of a second civil war, and that fact doesn’t seem to bother these corrupt people one bit.
The people of the United States have one last chance to stop the destruction of our great country — ONE! The election on November 5 will not only determine who the next president is; it will determine whether your children and grandchildren grow up in a free and fair America, or a police state run by one corrupt party which is supported by those who hate America, socialist, communists, and let’s be honest, Nazis!
You may think that the word Nazi is too strong of a term to use for many of those who support the Democrat Party and some politicians in this country, but it is spot on accurate! What do you call those who call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people? Adolf Hitler called those people Nazis. And that’s what I call them too. These college idiots protesting for Hamas and screaming death to America and death to Israel ARE INDEED NAZIS, whether they claim to be or not. And they vote for the Democrat Party.
There must be a reason that they vote for the Democrat Party. Even many of the senators and congressmen in the Democratic Party hold these same Nazi beliefs and do not even bother to hide their beliefs. The truth hurts, huh? Especially when you are used to listening to nothing but propaganda put out by a news media that completely supports these people and their dirty agendas.
The 2024 election is not just another fun, political race, where people get sick of seeing political ads; it is for the very survival of our country. If you care about your country, or your children’s future, you better wake the hell up! Just look at how much our country has deteriorated in the last three years! Even the FBI has said that Biden’s allowing of 12,000 unvetted illegals into our country has all but guaranteed that we will have another 9/11.
The corrupt Democrat Party let these illegal aliens in ON PURPOSE! Joe Biden, on his first day in office, opened the border wide open by doing away with President Trump’s policies, which had all but stopped the flow of illegal aliens into our country from the southern border. This was done purposely and for a specific agenda. Now this corrupt party is pushing to make these people citizens and to give them the right to vote. Are you starting to see their strategy now?
The Democrat Party is the party who wants to destroy our republic. Yet, they accuse President Trump of being the one who will destroy democracy if he is elected. This conniving party is the most crooked party I have ever seen in my lifetime. It was not always like this, but the Democrat Party has become the party of hate, lies, and corruption. If you have been paying close attention, you would find that everything they have accused President Trump of doing, is in fact, things that the Democrat Party are themselves doing behind the scene.
Don’t take my word for it. Research it! And by “research it,” I don’t mean go listen to some leftwing nut on MSNBC! In my opinion, that station is the most worthless, anti-American drivel I have ever seen. Every single time I have watched it, it is filled with complete and utter lies, which are easily proven wrong. But the people who regularly watch that station are not the brightest light bulbs in the house; they are more like the light bulb that burned out, but you just never get around to changing it.
The intelligent and wise see through their underhanded tactics, and take the time to discover the truth for themselves. When they hear the outrageous lies spewed by these people, they stop and research it, only to find out the mainstream media lies more often than Michael Cohen, who was the corrupt New York City DA’s main witness. For those who do not know, Michael Cohen was convicted of perjuring himself. In fact, the ONLY thing proven in President Trump’s trial was that the state’s main witness is a liar and is a criminal guilty of robbing tens of thousands of dollars from President Trump, which is a REAL felony!
Who was the state’s other main witness? A sleazy, washed up, porn star, who actually said, and put into writing long before this joke of a trial, that she never had sex with President Trump. So, either she perjured herself, just like Cohen, or she lied on national television and in a sworn letter. Either way, she is proven to have poor character and to be another unreliable liar! And these are the testimonies that a handful of morons in New York used to find President Trump guilty of 34 felony offenses. If you think that trial was honest and fair, then here’s your card, pal! Hitler liked to put on fake trials too in order to get rid of anyone who disagreed with him.
And yet, still close to 50% of the people in this country are not intelligent enough to see what is going on. Those who accept the twisted lies and propaganda of the mainstream media, come back to listen to more lies almost daily, not comprehending the fact that they are voluntarily brainwashing themselves. And those pulling the strings are more than happy to continue feeding them lies and propaganda until they get to the point of being totally indoctrinated.
Again, the path that leads to truth is absolutely littered the bodies of the ignorant, stupid, and mentally challenged. It is the path less taken, as most humans follow the path of least resistance. The citizens of America have been dumbed down to the point of not even knowing, or caring, what our country stands for. No republic can continue the way our country is being run.
Thomas Jefferson believed that self-government was not possible without an educated citizenry. He wrote that education was a prerequisite for democracy, political development, and social justice. Jefferson believed that an enlightened citizenry would be able to form reasoned opinions, assess issues effectively, express themselves clearly, and navigate the political process. No wonder those in charge of our public education have dumbed our students down to the lowest common denominator! Nothing happens by chance; behind ever decision lies a specific reason, whether you are able to see it or not.
With the state of our public schools, it is no wonder that ignorant people are seeing our elections as a popularity contest, or voting for the liar who makes the most empty promises. Since many of the voters have no clue what the issues are in our country, how can they be expected to make an educated decision concerning who the vote for? They can’t! They listen to campaign lies or blatantly false commercials, then look at who their favorite celebrity endorses or who their friends think is cool to determine who to vote for.
Most of these people couldn’t even tell you who we fought again in the Revolutionary War! They are dumbed down and almost completely ignorant, but their vote counts as much as those who are intelligent and know exactly what is going on in both America and the world as a whole. No country can survive by allowing the least informed and the simple-minded decided who should run the country.
Don’t be satisfied with the path of least resistance. Search for the truth, and don’t accept some hack’s word as truth. Search for the truth yourself. Weigh both sides until you come to a conclusion based on facts, not theories, lies, or pure propaganda. Voting for those who run our country is not a popularity contest! If anything, the last three years should have taught at least some people this truth.
We are living in dangerous times. Our country is holding on by a thread. Joe Biden has caused our allies to doubt and distrust us, and our enemies to have free reign, unafraid of a weak administration who is more concerned about our military using the right pronouns than developing warriors. Joe Biden’s administration is a total joke to the rest of the world; the only people who think he is a good leader are those simple-minded people who believe the lies and propaganda put out by Biden’s supporters in the news media and the corrupt party they support.
It is time to stand up and say, “NO MORE!” We will no longer support a government who believes in two-tier justice or which will not even secure our borders! That is not justice and that is not wise. This barely sane president, Biden, sent FBI agents to raid President Trump’s home, with orders to use deadly force if necessary. These jackbooted thugs even went through his wife’s panties, like Trump keeps documents in his wife’s lingerie drawer!
While his same justice department found that Biden had top secret files stashed all over the place, even lying in his garage, when he was vice-president and it was illegal for him to even have those documents. Of course, there was no FBI raid on Biden, no taking him to court, no nothing, just as if the fact never existed. This is even more evidence of a corrupt party, a corrupt justice department, and corrupt organizations who do the bidding of one party!
Even a fifth grader could see the bias in that, but thanks to our government, a large potion of our population is not as smart as a fifth grader. Anyone who cannot see the inequity in how people who support one party are treated as compared to how those in the other party are treated, is totally blind. It is this kind of corruption and inequity which pushes citizens towards a civil war. Hopefully, the people of our great country wake up before these crooked people push our country that far!
Will you take the path of least resistance or will you wake up and seek the truth which has been hidden, although that means maneuvering around the mindless bodies of the ignorant? Will you demand honesty and character from those who we elect to represent us in our government, or will you continue to be too busy to care? Will you continue to simply expect our politicians to be liars and crooks, or will you stand up and demand countability from each and every one of those people who live on your tax money?
Stop identifying yourself as Hispanic Americans, Irish Americans, African Americans, German Americans, Jewish Americans, etc., and start identifying as what you are — An AMERICAN, period! If your country of origin, where your family was originally from years and years ago, means so much to you, then move back there! If you are happy that you live in America and are an American citizen, then drop your country of origin and be happy to be an AMREICAN!
It is time to let all of this identification bullshit and pronoun bullshit go, and just be proud of being an AMERICAN! Our crooked government is using those tags to divide and conquer our country. If the AMERICAN people don’t stop this idiocy and quit voting on stupid personal issues, and start voting for who will make our life better and our country stronger, then America is doomed! GROW UP, PEOPLE!
The choice is yours, but be very careful, your freedom rests in making the right choice! We the people have the power to force our government to stop the lies, corruption, and inequity, but people are going to have to get out of their comfort zone in order to accomplish that. Time’s running out, people. The next five months will determine if your children and grandchildren will live in a free country, or in a country where the government does as it pleases, just as they do in other socialist and communist countries. Your freedom is on the line, and once you lose it, it will be almost impossible to get it back. THE TIME TO STAND UP AND DEMAND CHANGE IS NOW!!!