Win Before You Win!
In battle, if you make your opponent flinch, you have already won. Miyamoto Musashi
Most battles are won before they are actually fought. Psychological warfare defeats your enemy without him knowing that he is already defeated. Musashi knew this and used psychological warfare to his advantage as much as possible.
He would show up very late to irritate his opponents, or show up much earlier to check out the area and choose the high ground which made him look even larger than he was and gave him a distinct advantage. Musashi would make sure the sun was in his opponent's face. He was even known to insult his opponents in order to anger them, which gave him an advantage.
You must win before you win! This requires that you train and prepare with the right attitude, and that you use psychological warfare to your advantage. You also must gather as much advance knowledge about your opponent as you can. Don’t leave any stone unturned when it comes to gathering intelligence to use against your opponent.
When you know your opponent, or your enemy, almost as well as he knows himself, you have an immense advantage over him. It is always unsettling to find out that your enemy knows all your weaknesses or dirty little secrets. Musashi knew this and used whatever he could to get an advantage on his opponents.
The samurai felt that Musashi fought dirty and lacked honor. But that did not stop Musashi from defeating them. They were dead and buried as Musashi traveled on. Musashi was more than happy to allow them to be slaves to their political formalities, while he continued to win every duel and walk away with true honor.
There is no such thing as honor in a life-or-death fight. You must use everything possible to walk away victorious, and alive. Let the ignorant talk about fighting with honor, while you understand that the only honor in a real fight to walk walk away alive. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of MUSASHI’S DOKKODO, available from Amazon at:
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